Friday, June 20, 2008

Drinking the Kool Aid

Note: This post is mostly designed to aggravate BaconMeister since I seem to have an inflated sense of job security...

Since I’m too busy playing video games to actually write about them, I’ve decided to branch out a bit. I have a pretty solid reputation (rightfully earned) around here as being a bit of an Apple zealot. Apparently, waiting in line for the release of a certain prolific talking device leads to that sort of thing. Who knew?

It probably doesn’t help that I suggest an iPhone App as the perfect solution to every PR brainstorm, crisis and new biz pitch. But underneath all the layers of over-the-top fanaticism for all things hailing from One Infinite Loop, resides some well-reasoned thought. It’s not just the crazy talking, telling me to drink the kool-Aid (although I’m pretty sure Jobs would tell me to drink Tang, not Kool-Aid).

On July 11, Apple will release iPhone software 2.0, which among many things includes the App Store, a place to download 3rd party applications. The hype surrounding this re-launch of the iPhone is up to usual Apple Hysteria Standards, and has other companies scrambling to play catch up. With such momentum combined with the phone's unrivaled connectivity and social implications, its likely going to be big in '08. The basis of my excitement surrounding July 11th, is the fact that years ago Apple's music player accidentally spawned the term Podcasting, and the technology behind it. Considering the ubiquitous nature of that format, I'm honestly curious to see what develops on the iPhone. The huge amount of venture capital already being sunk into these apps (both by Apple's iFund work, and by the more traditional "richer than God" types), is a good sign.

My guess? A digital distribution platform that lets you send audio clips, using your own voice, to your friend's phone. While this may sound a lot like Voicemail, its not. This new app will be called "Talking" and it will lead to a revolution in how we uhhhh talk. 

1 comment:

Martin Pearce said...

Well...since I was called out on this piece, how can I NOT respond...first and foremost, do people really still drink Kool Aid anymore?! The drink, that is...not party line! Personally, Tang is a part of my daily life so props to the Tang mention. As far as all things Apple/iPhone are concerned, I'm just mildly jealous...I, once upon a time, had the Apple frenzy...back in the day of Apple IIe and the all-in-one Macs with the 4" screen...god I'm old...but too see a company like Apple constantly find ways to create this hysteria amongst the masses, and our dear copyrite as well, is admirable...truly.