Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The great thing about being an admin on Fizzle Pop is that I can post whatever I want. Please allow me a moment to get up on a soap box and preach something personal here:

So in case you somehow haven't heard, my girlfriend Kirsten is in Morocco, doing the Peace Corp thing. One of her many projects involves raising money for Zerktouni Primary School, a public school for youth ages five to 15 in Bouarfa, a small city of 25,000 inhabitants isolated in eastern Morocco. For the more than 540 staff and students at the school, they currently have only 10 computers.
And that's where we come in. Kirsten is trying to raise money for another 10 computers for the school. By clicking this DONATE link, I was able to send money to the Peace Corp to assist with this project. I even got a neato letter signed (with real ink!) by some Peace Corp director person for my efforts.
More information on the page can be found here.
If you too want a warm fuzzy feeling, plus your own signed letter, (plus my gratitude and happiness) please feel free to donate. For the obligatory "guilt trip via cuteness" so often used in adoption commercials, please enjoy this picture of kids who are as pleased as can be with a bright pink soccer ball. Now imagine how happy they could be if they were playing a soccer video game on their brand new personal computers?

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