Wednesday, January 30, 2008

American Journalism

"For a top U.S. daily, I need *on-the-record* anecdotes from people willing to speak about their feelings about romancing on the road. Can you comment on how you felt when a colleague indulged in a reckless one-night stand on a business trip? Have you ever been approached on a plane or train, and/or had to rebuff someone because you are married or simply not interested? Does your company have rules about it? Does business travel tend to lead people to cast away their fears?"
Who is going to go on the record for this sorta thing?

"I'm looking for a style expert or pop culture scholar to discuss how Hitler made it forever impossible for men to sport a little mustache, even if that's the style that looks best on them."
Is this the best his legacy has to offer? The loss of a little mustache that looks like your frat brothers smeared crap on your upper lip?

"I'm interested in talking to folks about the Twodaloo, a toilet that features facing seats that allows couples to, well, do their thing together. Feel free to e-mail me your comments directly. Please include your identifying information, as well as a phone number, in case I have to follow up."
My favorite thing ever. Nothing says true love like blasting the porcelain together, as a couple. And nothing says great journalism like a story about true love.

1 comment:

Sydney Siegmeth said...

Has anyone actually seen a Twodaloo? I wonder if these are big in Europe yet?