Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sea Salts

The ROI from getting a product placed in Daily Candy has to be impressive. Last month I spent $40 on a “wonder” bar of soap. My latest purchase: gourmet sea salts—Coconut Garam Masala, Vanilla, and Cumin Pineapple Chili—featured in yesterday’s e-mail. After all, I do need to stock my spice cupboard now that I have a newly remodeled kitchen. And these salts look irresistibly tasty.

Anyway, the PR morale of this story: Get your new product or service featured in DailyCandy and it will sell.



Tera Randall said...

Ok, so Angie, does the Gourmet in the Sea Salt really change the flavor of your food?!?!? If so, what food do you flavor with Coconut Garam Masala?

Cory Curtis said...

And what about the newest craze, salt blocks? These things are not only gorgeous, but seem to be the newest craze: http://www.saltnews.com/cooking-with-himalayan-salt-plates-blocks-bricks-platters/