Friday, April 17, 2009

Ashton Kucher has 1 million followers! *yawn*

So, Ashton Kucher crossed one million Twitter followers last night and we're bound to see another hysterical round of Twitter stories.

I'm not a Twitter hater. I actually think it's an extremely powerful tool for creating communities but there definitely needs to be a dose of perspective for where this "milestone" falls in the grand scheme of things.

So, here's a brief list of some other folks who have a lot of "followers."

- Christ - 2.1 billion followers
- Mohammed - 1.5 billion followers
- Communist Party of China - 1.3 billion "followers"
- Buddha - 324 million followers
- Barack Obama - 69,492,376 followers
- Susan Boyle - 30,000,000 followers
- Jack Bauer - 10,958,000 followers- Confucious - 5-6 million followers
- Al Franken - 1,212,431 followers
- Norm Colman - 1,212,206 followers
- Barney and Michael Jones, leader of The Jedi Order in the UK - 390,000 followers

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