Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Change of Heart

So this upcoming week will be a time of change for me. A time to catch up on all the books I've been wanting to read. A time for me to attempt establishing an exercise routine only to realize once again that as a nerd, physical activity should be kept to a minimum. A time for me turn on my Xbox 360 for the first time in months so I can make it get the red ring of death once and for all.

You see, my two month old iMac had a bit of a hard drive issue this weekend. It is now in the care of an Apple Genius, a Weezer glasses-wearing arrogant tech twirp who will fix my computer while listening to Jack Johnson and drinking coffee from Bauhuas because it doesn't taste the same unless someone with uncomfortably tight jeans makes it.
Without my steadfast companion at my side, I'm forced to do all the things that I normally would be avoiding thanks to the sweet embrace of internet addiction.
Alright, ranting over.

1 comment:

Martin Pearce said...

awww...the wonderful world of Apple comes crumbling down ;)