Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Say "Cheese"

The "stupid thief" story never gets old. Why? It's comforting to know that the jerk who violates your privacy is too dumb to get away with it. Even better? When the thief is caught by their crafty victim, adding a heroic twist to the story.

The New York Times recently reported on one such victim that was able to tell the perpetrator to say "cheese" while using her stolen laptop. A friend noticed that someone had logged onto the computer, and through Apple's "Back to My Mac" service, the victim was able to get onto her computer and take the thief's picture. Brilliant.

My Mac Love aside (how cool is Back to My Mac?), this is a great story of karmic retribution for anyone who's ever had anything stolen. And this is the type of publicity you just can't plan.

To read the article, click here

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