Monday, November 5, 2007

Seattle Dailies Borg the Competition

Bucking the trends of nearly a decade of sliding circulation numbers, both the Seattle Times and Seattle PI posted slightly increased circulation numbers this year. The reason? Assimilation of the King County Journal's readers. So if both papers continue devouring other newspapers, their eventual world domination is guaranteed. Some interesting numbers from the story:
- Both papers have a combined audience of 1.35 million adults in King County, southwest Snohomish County and Bainbridge Island.
- The electronic editions of both the Seattle Times and Seattle PI only netted 2,000+ subscribers combined.
- Oddly enough, the circulation of both papers matches the career path of Britney Spears when drawn onto a graph.

Similarly, if Spears continues devouring other pop stars, her eventual world domination is also guaranteed.

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