Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Twitter Experiment on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Last night, Diggnation hosts, Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht joined Jimmy Fallon and comedian Russell Brand in an experiment to make a relatively unknown tweep (?) secure more followers than Barack Obama, who is the most followed person on Twitter.

Bryan Brinkman was in the audience for the taping and had a following of 7 people. Fallon, Rose, Albrecht and Brand tweeted for everyone to follow @bryanbrinkman during the taping of the show. As of this moment, Brinkman now has a following of 22, 797! In one day, four heavily followed twitterers were able to empower 22,790 people to follow this unknown person. It will be interesting to see if more people follow Brinkman or if this is just his 15 minutes and slowly his following begins to decline.

Watch the video:


Noah Banning said...

Two days and just under 30,000 followers.

Emil Rodriguez said...

This would be fun to do with one of our prospective clients, or current clients even.