Tuesday, February 3, 2009

RANT: 25 Things You Probably Didn't Want to Know...

...about someone else.

There's a meme going around in blogs and Facebook called, "25 Random Things You Didn't Know About Me" that everyone and their momma is filling out. (I'm not kidding- check your Facebook, your mom probably HAS filled it out.)

It's pretty self-explanatory but if you don't get the process from the title, it's basically someone listing out 25 random facts about themselves. The viral part is the step where they have to tag 25 people to fill out the list too. This meme is now so viral that it's more common than... well, the common cold.

At first, it was pretty interesting. I would peruse these lists (not at work, oh, no, of course not) and occassionally find out a cool tidbit about someone on my FB list. For example, did you know that Noah Banning is ambidextrous? I bet you didn't!

On a lazy Sunday afternoon, I listed out 10 things (I'm just not that interesting, really) about myself and I did get a thrill filling it out. After all, now was my time to show everyone on my FB list just how special and unique I was!

But it grew stale quickly.

Almost everyday, I see a notification that yet another one of my FB friends has listed out 25 random facts about themselves and I'm now at the point where I don't care anymore. I don't care that someone has one leg 2 inches shorter than the other or that they still clutch a teddybear at night. It's simply too much, all at once.

So I say- if you want to tell me 25 random things about yourself, take me out for coffee or dinner. Tell me about yourself - in person. Don't become just a random block of text.

And remember, you are unique... just like everyone else.

PS- I'm sure there's a lesson in all of this... or not.


Unknown said...

my thought on the 25 things list is that it's for people who would like to but are afraid to blog

J.P. Szambelan said...

Great Rant! I couldn't agree more. I'd rather see one random thing I didn't know anonymously and try to figure out which friend it was about.

Anonymous said...

Great idea JP! Who am I?

As a child my favorite clothing accessory was a clip-on tie.

J.P. Szambelan said...

Rob McMurtrie?