The majority of the folks here in Porter Novelli Seattle are on Facebook and after skimming all of our beautiful profile photos, I've noticed that we typically fall into five main categories of poses (with examples).
1- The "I'm really deep. Really." shot.
Everyone knows that nothing -NOTHING- says "I'm deep" like taking a picture without looking at the camera. It speaks volumes about the depth of all the deep thoughts you're having at the moment the camera took the shot.
Personally, the only times I'm not looking into the camera when someone is taking my picture is when I want to be left alone or... when I'm not aware someone is taking my picture. And that last situation is punishable by law in the same cases.
Some examples include:
2- The "I'm doing really cute/whacky/off-beat things!" pose
What can I say? PR people are creative types and I guess that means we're always trying to come up with ways to make things (programs, campaigns... profile pictures) look, well, creative.
I mean, look how fun and crazy we are! Don't you want to get to know us better? We hide under tables and read Wired. We wear sunglasses while we work! We have an alter-ego named Jasmine Foxx.
On second thought. That last one is just Kizha.
Check it out, world- I have a (insert what you will here)
4- The "There's like, nature and stuff behind me." shot

5- The "I Give Up. This picture is as good as any. I'm only on Facebook because I have to be" picture.
...some of us just want to remember what the world looks like outside of 4 walls and a ceiling.
5- The "I Give Up. This picture is as good as any. I'm only on Facebook because I have to be" picture.
Because nothing says "I give up" like a picture of a guy wearing a backpack in front of a blurry background. Or a guy doing... I don't know what he's doing. Looking confused?
Disclaimer: This post was meant in good, clean fun. All images are property of the people in them, not you. They are not to be trifled with in Photoshop, Emil.
You couldn't have been more off with the designation of my picture. I'm not confused but actually trying to convey that I'm really, really deep...really. HAHA! it!!
I call shenanigans-I think Rob's picture was taken at a JC Penney's using their "nature" background.
@Frank - actually it was Sears. JCPenney didn't have a sporting goods department where I could snag a canoe paddle for the shot.
i want to see cory's head-in-bear's-mouth pic included in the wacky stuff category!
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