Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wanna be YouTube Famous?

Some people have been wanting to watch the Lip Dub that made its debut at the office holiday party.

A quick update on the status of our Lip Dub; As your may or may not remember, the purpose of this project was to make an arbitrary video that we would then promote using the most ruthless and cutthroat tactics we felt comfortable with as outlined in the infamous TechCrunch article.

Well now that the video portion is done, we are in the process of hammering out tactics for distribution and "views" accumulation. This will involve some minor edits to the video, splitting it up into a few chunks and then playing with tags, titles and thumbnails to make it perfect. Once its ready, we will have about 48-72 hours to try and make the videos take off. It will be an interesting challenge considering that Lib Dubs were already so last year by the time Julia Alyson uttered her first self-indulgent word. We hope to start tackling this project early next week.

In the interim, we will leave a copy of the video as is on the G drive for those times in the day when you need to see Brent sing Nirvana or Martin channel some smooth jazz.

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