Monday, November 26, 2007

Get Social in 2008

The latest reports in PR Tech trends show that 2008 is going to an even bigger year for social media, which means that some way or another these tools need to be incorporated into 2008 PR plans and PR needs to be interacting with these social networking sites. Here are a few proof points that will show you the direction social media is moving in.
  • The New York Times recently decided to get rid of their online subscription based model and open up their online content to everyone. This was due to the fact that most people were ending up on their site via search engines. Building a search and social media campaign to find your online audience will be important. Every press release should be optimized for search engines so that you are making it easier for your audience to find you.

  • The Nielsen figures for the top U.S. social networking sites and blogs in October show that sites where word of mouth marketing is big now are only getting bigger and how important it is to find your 'fansumers' on these sites. Those are fans of your client's products - think of the groups that people create on these sites - those are where you'll find your 'fansumers'. Nielsen's November 2007 report below shows:
    - Facbook more than doubled their traffic in the last year
    - MySpace had a 19 percent growth over October 2006
    - LinkedIn grew 189 percent!

Myspace, 58,843, +19%

Facebook, 19,519, +125%

Classmates Online, 13,278, -2%

Windows Live Spaces, 10,261, +32%

AOL Hometown, 7,923, -15%

LinkedIn, 4,919, +189%

AOL People Connection, 4,084, -30%, 4,082, -14%

Club Penguin, 3,880, +157%, 2,397, +117%

Source: Nielsen Online


Anonymous said...

WOW! How very insightful.

Anonymous said...

indeed, much like this comment.

Lara said...

I'm surprised YouTube isn't up there... To me, it seems like one of the fastest growing social networks.